Monthly Archives: November 2018


Virgin Australia to open new pilot training centre

Virgin Australia has announced it will be opening a world-class pilot training centre in Tamworth. The Tamworth Regional Council chose Virgin Australia Group as the airline to establish the training centre in the New South Wales city. “We are delighted to have been chosen by Tamworth Regional Council, and for the Virgin Australia Group to establish an Aviation Centre of Excellence,” Virgin Australia Group CEO and managing director, John Borghetti said. “Our industry is currently facing a global pilot shortage and this world-class facility will develop a pipeline of skilled pilots funnelling into the Virgin Australia Group and other airlines around the world,” he continues. Tamworth Regional Council Mayor Cr Col Murray added: “Few regional airports boast facilities the calibre of those in Tamworth, so we have been in the very fortunate position of attracting more than one proposal to deliver commercial pilot training services at our airport. The Virgin Australia Group has put forward a very compelling proposition, one that makes best use of our facilities and offers a sustainable return for Tamworth Regional Airport. “While details of our agreement will be released in due course, we remain impressed with the innovative approach taken by the Virgin Australia [...]

By | 2019-02-06T15:11:34+00:00 November 21st, 2018|