Monthly Archives: December 2019


Antycip equips French Engineering school with virtual immersion room

VR integrator Antycip Simulation has helped deliver a virtual immersion room at l’École Supérieure des Arts et Métiers (Les Arts et Métiers). The French school trains more than 6,000 students each year, mostly engineers in the fields of industry, research, and socio-economics. Through training, 14 laboratories and partnership research, Les Arts et Métiers aims to be a major contributor to industrial innovation in France and Europe. BlueLemon, a free standing five-sided VR CAVE, is financed by European, governmental and regional funding. It is part of the LiV laboratory which brings together Arts et Métiers and French car manufacturer Renault. The content in the CAVE is retro projected thanks to five Christie 4K 25,000 lumen projectors, capable of displaying 1.2mm large pixels to best meet human visual resolution in normal conditions, as well as high contrast ratio in 3D. The system is equipped with a multiple field of view, allowing two users to work collaboratively and simultaneously in the device with dedicated points of view. A spatialised sound system completes the device and increases the immersive feeling. Three areas of research are developed in particular within this CAVE: virtual and augmented reality for the industry of the future, driving simulation, and [...]

By | 2019-12-12T22:06:31+00:00 December 5th, 2019|

Dutch firm Damen to establish simulation laboratory

Dutch defence, shipbuilding and engineering company Damen will work with VSTEP Simulation to build a laboratory to explore simulation solutions in the maritime industry. All image credits: Damen The duo will develop software that will extend the capabilities of VSTEP’s existing NAUTIS Maritime Simulation platform into engineering applications and therefore open up new research and development possibilities for Damen’s many R&D programmes. The initial focus will be on ship design and engineering, where software will be developed that allows naval architects and engineers to first model potential changes in a design. They will then view them in virtual reality to see the impacts these would have on the vessel’s performance. "Business units across the group require ever more simulations to mitigate the risks inherent in designing and commissioning," said Marcel Cleijsen, team leader at Damen R&D. "Costs per simulated vessel are currently high due to dependency on suppliers, high tariffs and limited re-usability as ownership remains with suppliers. This project is an investment that will drastically lower the cost per simulation by standardising the interface between components and making the completed simulations re-usable for future purposes." Damen said it was well-known for its commitment to act upon industry [...]

By | 2019-12-12T22:08:59+00:00 December 5th, 2019|

Charles River Develops System to Assess Cognitive Workload

Charles River Analytics Inc. recently worked with NASA to assess astronaut workload and performance during the testing and evaluation of new NASA systems. The company used the measurements from its CAPT PICARD system to determine how best to display health and status on the Orion space vehicle. Image credit: Charles River Analytics NASA is continually developing new technologies to improve astronaut effectiveness. These technologies risk overloading astronauts’ cognitive capacities, degrading performance. Charles River’s system for Cognitive Assessment and Prediction to Promote Individualized Capability Augmentation and Reduce Decrement (CAPT PICARD) supports testing and engineering, allowing engineers to quantitatively and continuously evaluate the cognitive demands of new tools and systems, as well as how they affect task performance. Conducting workload assessment during developmental testing of a new system means users can identify features and designs that result in high workloads early in the process when redesigns are more feasible and less costly. The R&D Charles River conducted under CAPT PICARD and other cognitive workload assessment projects can also measure the training effectiveness of realistic training simulations. Visitors of I/ITSEC can learn more about CAPT PICARD and the company’s related capabilities from Dec. 2-6 in Orlando, Florida at Booth #1239.

By | 2019-12-05T14:47:48+00:00 December 4th, 2019|