Ghislaine Boddington 2019-04-10T09:12:57+00:00

Ghislaine Boddington


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Ghislaine Boddington, Creative Director, body>data>space

Ghislaine Boddington is an award winning curator and director, specialising in the future human, body responsive technologies and immersive experiences. She is Co-founder and Creative Director of body>data>space, an interactive creative design collective who have advocated for the living body to be at the heart of the digital debate since the early 1990s. With a background in performing arts and technologies she has focused on the blending of our virtual and physical bodies, and sees a future in which we connect ourselves into a networked “multi-self,” an “Internet of Bodies” enabled by hyper-enhancement of the senses and tele-intuition. 


She presents worldwide and consults for the creative industries sector on the evolution of body technologies and her work as a curator includes Nesta’s FutureFest events (2015-18). A Reader in Digital Immersion at University of Greenwich, she sits on the Editorial Board of AI & Society (Springer), is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and is spokesperson for the Deutsche Bank Women Entrepreneurs in Social Tech accelerator. Ghislaine co-presents bi-weekly for BBC Click, the BBC World Service Radio flagship technology programme.





The Impact of Digital Technologies on the Creative Arts

With an overview of the pioneer evolutions of technology through creative arts use, this presentation will show the usefulness of extending creative thinking into our new technologies to access enhancements for ourselves in performance teams. It will also point to future creative uses of immersion technologies for community sharing and extended experiences.