Christina Lanham 2019-04-10T09:34:55+00:00

Christina Lanham


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Christina M. Lanham, Managing Director, ITI UK

Christina Lanham serves ITI as the Managing Director of its operations in the United Kingdom. Ms. Lanham is responsible for business operations and the successful service of ITI products and services in the United Kingdom.

Ms. Lanham is a veteran of the US Navy where she served eight years where she earned three Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medals. Ms. Lanham joined ITI in 2011 and most recently served as the Director of Operations for ITI Holdings, Inc. based in Washington State. Ms. Lanham holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Bachelor’s Degrees in Human Resource Administration and Computer Information Systems.

Transforming Craft Training with Virtual Reality & Collaborative Communities

Mass adoption of high-fidelity simulation has been limited to astronauts and pilots of the air and sea. There has been very little adoption by employers of simulation for craft workforces due to cost and lack of authenticity. That is all changing with virtual reality, and when the subject is on craft skills and safety, organizations are collaborating across industry and competitive lines. This session will explore how Industrial Training International has formed customer communities to inform the rapid development and adoption of VR simulation for equipment operators and craft workers.