Dave Fluegeman 2019-04-10T08:55:54+00:00

Dave Fluegeman


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Dave Fluegeman, VP, Simulation, Barco

Dave Fluegeman is the VP of Barco Simulation, responsible for the growth and overall strategy of the business worldwide. Joining Barco in 2014, Dave brings nearly 20 years of direct experience in the simulation industry and with immersive visual systems technology to the Barco Simulation team.

Prior to joining Barco, Dave held business leadership and business development positions with Rockwell Collins, Christie Digital Systems, and Evans & Sutherland.

Dave has extensive international business experience, and has lived abroad on two separate occasions. He holds a Bachelor of Science, Information Systems Management and Business from the University of Maryland, and is United States Air Force Veteran with 13 years of distinguished active duty service.

The Forgotten Element of Simulation Training: Immersive Audio

Full immersion is the ultimate objective when applying simulation technology to training. The closer we approach replication of the “real-world” tasks in a safe training environment, the more productive and skilled our workforce becomes, in both a commercial and military environment. Significant gains have been made in the levels of realism in visual technology. What has been largely ignored is the importance of fully immersive audio in the world of simulation. At times, we perceive our world and surroundings through sound first, and providing anything less than full fidelity audio that establishes a true “ear-to-brain” connection introduces a negative training effect.

The recognition of these factors and the value it can provide for the quality of training is an important first step in developing the same standards that exist for the visual counterpart. The right solutions and content will truly transfer the trainee into the virtual world and therefore increasing the quality of the training outcome.

The question is therefore how to take sound beyond a basic transport for low-level notifications and truly create a fully immersive training environment which stimulates both eye-to-brain and ear-to-brain responses? During this presentation we will introduce you to an entirely different concept which will lead to this level of training in an environment where one can exercise their sense of sound far beyond what is experienced in immersive training today.