Nathan Baker 2019-04-09T14:45:40+00:00

Nathan Baker


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Nathan Baker, Director of Engineering Knowledge, Institution of Civil Engineers

Nathan joined the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) as Director of Engineering Knowledge in 2014 having had a broad and varied career. After time in the military he led the development of learning for the UK army of a €1 billion construction product manufacturer, driven the transformation of learning and development across as a £3.2 billion training contract for the MoD training and defined the growth strategy for engineering training business of a FTSE 100 organisation.

He has a passion for enabling learners to succeed and meeting the skills need of, bringing together the core capabilities of research and market intelligence with learning development, quality assurance and training delivery into a comprehensive learning solution. His role at the ICE brings together his commercial and not-for-profit experience in order to meet the ICE charter and mission.

Civil Engineering in the Digital World; Our Industrial Revolution

An automated, fully-connected, high-performing civil infrastructure sector would transform the world. The fourth industrial revolution makes it a reality: using better, more readily available data, civil engineers can make more informed decisions about how to deliver and manage infrastructure networks. It even opens up the exciting possibility for a national digital twin - an ecosystem of digital twins connected via securely shared data, with huge potential benefits to the society and the economy.

At the heart of this transformation are people: the infrastructure professionals and the society they serve. We will explore how we ensure that the civil engineer is skilled in all the areas they need, to assure society that engineers can be trusted to deliver safe and secure infrastructure.