Johannah Randall 2019-04-09T14:51:08+00:00

Johannah Randall


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Johannah Randall, Head of Station Operations, HS2 Ltd.

Johannah Randall is HS2 Head of Station Operations, leading all aspects of the customer proposition, operation and maintenance for HS2 stations.

Johannah is a graduate of International Relations and Politics from the University of Staffordshire.

Johannah has worked in customer service and operations for 25 years covering a range of roles in air and rail both in the UK and Europe. Prior to joining HS2 she worked at the Department of Transport in rail franchising and policy development leading in areas such as accessibility, innovation and sustainability.

To date, her biggest career achievement was being part of the team that re-developed King’s Cross station – leading on the design and development of the ticket office and first class lounge, the staff training for the new concourse and ensuring that the station continued to operate for passengers throughout the construction period.