Randall Broooks 2019-04-10T09:03:42+00:00

Randall Brooks

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Randall Brooks, Vice President of Training and Business Development, Aviation Performance Solutions, LLC

Mr. Brooks currently provides Upset Prevention and Recovery Training for a broad range of military and civilian pilots. Randall has provided all-attitude/all-envelope flight instruction for over 25 years in over 40 types of jet, propeller, and glider aircraft. Mr. Brooks holds an Airline Transport Pilot Rating with over 13,000 hours of flight experience and type ratings in multiple jet and turboprop aircraft.

Randall’s many past flight operations roles have included director of operations, director of training, production flight test, simulation flight test, marketing demonstration and display pilot, corporate pilot, and ten years as a member of formation aerobatic demonstration teams.

Mr. Brooks holds a B.S. degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Colorado.

Upset Prevention and Recovery Training: Combining Reality and Simulation for Optimum Results

Few performance challenges match the human factors demands of a pilot or flight crew encountering an unexpected emergency upset event in flight. While flight simulation provides a safe environment, it cannot adequately replicate the fidelity, psychological, and physiological considerations of an actual aircraft upset. However, virtual training combined with live on-aircraft training in an all-attitude/all-envelope aircraft develops resilient pilot responses to the human factors elements of surprise, startle, and the reality factor. Integrated Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) combining an academic foundation with practical training coordinating on-aircraft and simulator training platforms provides the most robust and effective UPRT possible.

The presentation will discuss the relative contributions and integration of live (on-aircraft) and virtual (flight simulator) training applicable to aviation and other industries. Practical experience in the delivery of training to pilots of Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, the US Army, and business/corporate aircraft operators will be shared.